With this article, we want to thank one of our beloved customers, Massimo, for his feedback after the installation of our IFace inside his JRC NRD-535.
He sent us some pictures and some suggestions. In particular, he wanted to share with us the idea to move the power supply point to another one on the contrary of that suggested by us.
This is because he experienced some noise during the reception on the SDR. The noise was coming from the processor and other digital circuitry, so he preferred to power the IFace from the +9V on the MOTHERBOARD. Please see the images below.
Thanks to him, we updated the installation instructions of our IF buffer interface for this great receiver: please click here to read it.

As said, for detailed instruction on how to install our IFace inside your radio, please refer to the istructions you can find here.
To buy one or more IFace and accessories please use the following buttons.

ATTENTION: Although the installation of IFace 2 is not difficult, it is done at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side effects, or anything else.