HDSDR settings for SDR panadapter and CAT control

Our IFace interface is used to add an SDR panadapter to any radio, present or future. The image below shows the typical application context where the IF signal of our receiver is sent to an external SDR receiver (in the specific case one from SDRplay).

The configuration we are going to examine is, therefore, the following.

We sample the signal after the first IF mixer but before the bandpass filter, the so-called “roofing filter”, and we send it to our IFace. This is nothing more than a broadband buffer that allows you to replicate the signal without overloading the mixer circuits. At the output of the card, the signal can be sent to an external receiver, typically an SDR, through a common 50 Ohm line.

At this point, there is nothing left to do but install the drivers for our A / D converter for RF signals and the demodulation software. In the specific case, we will use an RSP1 from SDRplay and the HDSDR program. In addition, through the CAT port, we can control our radio so as to have a perfect match of what we see on the screen with what we are receiving from the radio. The CAT interface is managed through the OmniRig software.

The main advantage is that of having a second receiver much more powerful than the internal one of the radio.

The following images show how the HDSDR program should be configured.

The result is also shown in a video where you can appreciate the reception quality and ease of radio control.

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