Follow the steps below to install the IFace card in the YAESU FT-450D. Installation is really very easy.
On the lower side of the radio, after removing the cover, locate the electronic card called “RF-IF Unit”: this is shown in the following photo. In the same one can also see where the IFace can be mounted.
Refer to the following images to identify in the wiring diagram the points where to solder the cables for the IF, the power supply and the PTT. Our SDR receiver will be tuned on 67.899 MHz.
Refer to the following image to identify the points where to weld the various connection cables in the PCB.
Finally connect the coaxial cable to output the IF signal and pass it through the aeration holes of the radio as shown in the photo.
WARNING: Although the installation of IFace is not difficult, it is done at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side effects or anything else.
For more information do not exist to write to us. Have fun!
Would you like to have a radio with a nice 40 “LCD display where you can view spectrograms, waterfalls and much more information? And what would you say to have a modern SDR radio so that you can listen to more signals at the same time? Wouldn’t it be nice to have many digital filters to improve reception during contest or DX activity? If you answered yes then IFace is the electronic card that allows you to have all of this without having to buy a new radio. How? By inserting it inside your “old” beloved RTX and using a cheap SDR receiver for computers (some suggestions here) such as an USB RTL-SDR dongles.
Don’t you think so? Please watch this video and then keep reading.
The idea behind this product is to continue to use the radio that we have purchased and which has already given us so much satisfaction. Surely we already have the CAT interface with which we control it from the LOG or from other programs and we also have the audio interface for the digital modes. But sometimes we realize that we would need a second receiver (for example to follow the +5 kHz or + 10 kHz of a DX station), band filters with steeper sides to eliminate a disturbance on an adjacent frequency or a notch because our radio does not have it or it is not automatic. All this can be a memory!
So suppose to send the intermediate frequency signal (IF) of our radio to a dedicated SDR receiver and to start a program such as HDSDR (or SDR #, SDR Console …). On the screen of our computer we would have the spectrum display around the IF of our radio and, not to be neglected, we could also demodulate what it is receiving. But we could do even more, we could also demoulate other signals that are above or below the frequency tuned by our RTX. Not bad, right? The image below shows a screenshot of HDSDR connected to an FT-450D via an RTL-SDR and the IFace.
Reception at the IF frequency of a FT-450D though the IFace and a RTL-SDR.
What needs to be done is very simple. Let’s start by identifying within our radio the point where to take the medium frequency signal. This is between the output of the first mixer and the subsequent bandpass filters as shown in the following image.
During the reception the difference is strong, listen here.
In order to not alter the operation of our receiver, we must pick up the signal without charging the mixer, i.e. without taking power. For this reason we have to insert a special card between this and the external receiver: we can not connect it directly. The IF signal pick up card, the IFace, creates a copy of the signal to be sent to the external SDR receiver. This is a wideband and no-tune buffer, i.e. no calibration is needed, it is installed and it is ready to work. The usefulness of this circuit is to allow the medium frequency signal to be replicated without increasing the load seen by the source (the mixer) and therefore without changing its performance.
Once the IF signal has been obtained, it is sufficient to connect the A / D converter (an RTL-SDR is already more than enough) to the USB port and start the software for the reception (ex HDSDR, SDR #, SDR Console etc) and our RTX will now be equipped with a nice panoramic receiver.
Are you already convinced? Very well, buy an IFace immediately by clicking on the buttons below!
There are numerous advantages in picking up the IF signal and not the one coming directly from the antenna: one of these is surely the fact that the amplitude of the signal is controlled through the AGC circuitry of the reception stages. This helps to prevent saturation of the dynamics of RTL-SDR (which is not known to be the most extensive). The point where you take the IF signal is easy to find, just take the schematic diagram of your radio and look for the first mixer: at its output you will find the signal of interest. The image below shows the point where you have to connect the IFace interface in the case of a Kenwood TS-530s, a radio of a few decades ago, which can be easily updated with this interface.
The connection to the chosen point can be made with a thin coaxial cable (type RG178 or RG316) and will terminate at the “Input” pad of the IFace. If the connection is very short, a coaxial cable may not be necessary. The “Output” instead will be connected with another small coaxial cable to the input of the chosen SDR receiver. Obviously the buffer must be powered: it will not be difficult to find inside the radio a point where to draw a voltage of 9 Vdc or 12 Vdc. The following images show how easy it is to install the IFace into the TS-530s.
Sampling point of the IF signal
IFace inside a TS-530s
IF output connector
Powering the IFace with 12 Vdc from the radio (red wire)
Running IFace
After making these simple wiring, you can connect your SDR receiver and start the reception software. The following image shows the SDR# screen during the reception with a Kenwood TS-530s (its intermediate frequency is 8.83 MHz) and an economical RTL-SDR.
Another IFace has been installed in a YAESU FT-450D. As you will see from the photos, the space occupied is very little and the time required to connect the 4 conductors (+13 V, Gnd, Ptt +, IF) is a few minutes. In this case the Ptt signal was used, that is the “TX” signal present in the IF-UNIT of the radio. All this clearly appears in the following images.
The main characteristics of the IFace are:
power supply: 8-15 Vdc, I <50 mA
bandwidth: > 700 MHz
input impedance: > 500 kOhm
output impedance: 50 Ohm
power-down input ( PTT)
dimensions: 38 x 48 mm
In case you do not want to display any signal during transmission it is possible to turn off, by sending it into power down, the buffer of the IFace through a special input pin (PTT) as shown in the following picture. To be more accurate, an active high PTT, i.e. the signal is at a voltage > 5 V when transmitting, otherwise 0 V, or an active low PTT, i.e. the signal is at 0 V when the radio is transmitting, otherwise it must be floating, can be used.
The following video shows how the card reacts to the pressure of the PTT, that is when the radio changes from reception to transmission: the red LED indicates that the card is in power-down because the radio is transmitting.
If you were still not convinced of the goodness of this interface look at this other video where you can see how the IFace works when added to an old Kenwood TS-530s.
Do you have any questions? Maybe we already have the answer you’re looking for.
The price of IFace is only € 42.90 including VAT + shipments costs for the “IFace + Cables” kit. If you also want SMA coaxial connectors, those for power supply and those for the PTT buy the “IFace + Connectors + Cables” kit for only € 54.90 VAT + shipping costs.
There’s a third option, “IFace + Connectors + SDR Panadapter”. This comprises a powerful 12 bit/sa 10 MHz panadapter that will bring your receiving experience to another level. And it is compatible with the RSP1 from SDRplay: you can use the software SDRuno. This kit costs only €104.90 + shipment.
In this page you can find thelist of the instructions to install the IFace into your radio: it is continuoursly growing. For those radios that are not included yet, send a request so that it can be entered as soon as possible.
Content of the delivery “IFace + Cables”:
one IFace board
1 SMA-m coaxial connector
a coaxial cable with both an SMA-f panel connector and an SMA-m connector in order to connect the IFace to the SDR receiver
four wires to connect the board to the PTT, IF, and powering points on the radio (colors of the wires may be subject to change).
Content of the delivery “IFace + Cables”:
one IFace board
1 SMA-m coaxial connector
a coaxial cable with both an SMA-f panel connector and an SMA-m connector in order to connect the IFace to the SDR receiver
four wires to connect the board to the PTT, IF, and powering points on the radio (colors of the wires may be subject to change)
2 SMA connector for PCB edge mount
2.54 mm pitch connectors for power and PTT
Order now by clicking on the following buttons and have fun.
ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.
We publish a new testimonial about how to use our CW Stick Keyer 2 with desktop transceivers. In the video you can see that it works perfectly with the great ICOM IC-775.
For more information please use the following form.
A new video from TSP S.r.l. shows how to use the “Morse Stick Keyer 2”, the most light and small paddle for telegraphy of the world. The demostration is made using a well know YAESU FT-817. This paddle works very well with other radio too, for example with: FT450D, IC7000, IC7300, TS-480, KX3 and many more.
You can find all the information at the product page. Here below you can find the demo video (please activate the subtitles). Enjoy.
For more information please use the following form.
CW Stick Paddle 2 is a simple and easy to use Morse code keyer thought to be light, small and inexpensive. With respect the previous version, this adds the squeeze mode feature.
It is ideal for portable and QRP operations, in car installations, but also for travelling everywhere you want with your favourite radio.
It doesn’t have mechanical parts, it is totally electronic. And it doesn’t need any battery to work! Use simply your fingers to start operating Morse code with your favourite radio.
It works with all the modern transceivers replacing a normal mechanical 3 wires Morse keyer.
It is available in two versions, the “standard” and the “Black & Gold Limited Edition”, elegant and beautiful !!!
It can be used with FT-450D, FT-817, FT-857, FT-897, IC-706, IC-7000, IC-7300, TS-480, Elecraft KX3, Mountain Topper Radio MTR3B and similar (low voltage (3 – 5 V) on keyer connector).
Technical data:
size – 100 x 19 x 3 mm;
weight – 6 grs + cable (tot. 30 grs);
cable – 60 cm 3 wire;
connector – 3,5 mm stereo jack.
Do you like it? Buy one (or more) by pressing one of the following buttons.
Want more information? Please read the FAQ (click here) or please watch these demo videos.
If you have questions please use the following form.
The meat tenderizing machine, developed in collaboration with Umbra Macchine, is a revolutionary machine for the slaughter. It allows not having to leave the meat maturation for weeks, but thanks to a patented process allows to soften the meat a few hours after slaughter, keeping the flavor intact. This avoids all the problems of long passages in cold storage. This machine also allows you to work meat with and without bones, young animals as well as older ones. The machine is fully automatic, you’ve to simply enter the piece of meat in the refrigerated stainless steel container, seal it with its transparent cover, press the start button on the touch screen and wait a couple of hours: the meat will be soft as after 20 days in cold storage. For information visit the website of Umbra Macchine or use our online form.
The Android operating system is increasingly popular and is beginning to emerge for the ability to build hybrids systems for industrial automation in which the panel for the operator works with software developed for this OS. Given
the computing power available, you can implement all control loops
directly into the panel and thus realize a single project for the
interface and control strategies. Communication
to and from the machine can be achieved via Bluetooth, WiFi, USB or
serial ports, depending on their availability. For
interfacing to high power devices and sensors it is necessary only an
electronic card capable of performing the functions of acquisition,
control and communication required and not available directly via the
creates an efficient and economically competitive structure capable of
supporting the most different needs ensuring totally customizable user
interface, multinguages and ready for future updates.
For a specific application for the food industry, an electronic board based on a dsPIC33 has been developed. This board is able to:
control 3 alternate current loads (3 x 230 Vac 1,5 kW) using TRIAC devices (no relé);
control 3 direct current loads (3 x 12/24 Vdc 10 A NPN);
acquire 3 digital inputs 12/24 Vdc;
acquire local temperature by a thermometer on I2C bus;
acquire remote temperature by a clabled sensor on I2C bus;
acquire air pressure in a chamber (10 – 1000 mBar);
comunicate by SPP over Bluetooth;
comunicate by VCOM 115k2,8N1 su USB.
For more information you can contact us through this form.
Glue Detector is an electronic system to detect and measure the amount of glue placed over a sheet of paper. It is fast and contactless. Using a RF signal at microwave frequencies, it is possible to control the gluing process with a high precision, being sure that the requested amount of glue has been placed on the paper. This device can be used all the times a feedback to the automatic glue dispensers is requested. It is useful to provide information to the controller of the machine to correct possible problems during the work process. It can work with hot melt or cold glue. No moving mechanical parts are present. It is mainly composed by two parts: an electronic board to manage the signals and a sensing element to interact with the glue. The two parts are connected by two coaxial cable.
It can work in the darkness or in extremely lighted environments. The measurement is not dependent by the temperature of the product and vibrations are not a problem. It can be applied to new machines as well as an upgrade to old ones. It is easy to operate and it does not reduce the quality of the product: contactless measurement. The time required for the result of the measurement is less than 1 ms from the rising edge of a 12/24 Vdc trigger signal. The output information can be represent by an ON-OFF signal (glue – no glue) or numerical. In this case the numerical value of the measurement is sent on the RS232 interface. It does not require maintenance. It works on 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc powered systems. It can be customized upon request of the customer.
To request information, please use the following form.
Morse Stick is a simple and easy to use Morse code electronic keyer thought to be light, small and inexpensive.
It is ideal for portable and QRP operations, in car installations, but also for travelling everywhere you want with your favourite radio.
It doesn’t have mechanical parts, it is totally electronic. And it doesn’t need any battery to work! Use simply your fingers to start operating Morse code with your favourite radio.
It works with all the modern transceivers replacing a normal mechanical 3 wires Morse keyer.
It can be used with FT-450D, FT-817, FT-857, FT-897, IC-706, IC-7000, IC-7300, TS-480, Elecraft KX3 and similar (low voltage (3 – 5 V) on keyer connector).
ZCONV485 is an efficient and compact RS232 – RS485 self-powered converter.
It connects directly to the RS232 port using the classic 9-pin SUBD connector. From this it derives also the current necessary for its operation.
On the opposite side there are 6 terminals with a 5.08 mm pitch to which the RS485 communication cable is to be connected. It is also possible to supply the converter directly from the bus by applying a voltage between 9 and 24 Vdc.
Technical characteristics, RS232 side:
Data Rate up to 120 kpbs
ESD +/-15 kV (HBM – Human Body Model)
Meets or Exceeds the Requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and ITU v.28 Standards
Max supply current 15 mA
Technical characteristics, RS485 side:
Maximum bumber of end node: 32
Low Supply Current, 5 mA Max
Meets or Exceeds the Standard Requirements of ANSI RS-485 and ISO 8482:1987(E)
Common-Mode Voltage Range of −7 V to 12 V
Positive- and Negative-Output Current Limiting
Driver Thermal Shutdown Protection
The following table shows the pinouts of the two connectors.
Power Supply 9 – 24 Vdc
RXD+ / A
RXD- / B
TXD- / Z
TXD+ / Y
4, 7
Power Supply
More information? Please use the following form.
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