January 31, 2020

FT-991A with SDR panadapter

Our buffer interface named IFace can be used to add an SDR panadapter to the YAESU FT-991A.

The operations to be performed are very simple, it is sufficient to obtain from its wiring diagram the information on the points where to take the IF signals. This radio, in fact, uses different mixers. In particular, we will have to use the first of the RX chain. The following imagea show the block diagram of the radio. For the FT-991A the first IF is at 69.450 MHz.

We now proceed to identify the exact points on the circuit diagram where to take the IF signal to be sent to the IFace. The following images show the sampling point for the IF signal and for the power supply for the buffer interface.

The images here below show where the signals are located on the MAIN UNIT PCB. Please take care that the signals are located on the top and on the bottom layer.

The PTT signal is not required.

In order to purchase an IFace use the button below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information, do not hesitate to write to us using the form below.
Have fun!

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TS-480 with SDR panadapter

Our buffer interface named IFace can be used to add an SDR panadapter to the Kenwood TS-480 transceiver.

The operations to be performed are very simple, it is sufficient to obtain from its wiring diagram the information on the points where to take the IF signals. This radio, in fact, uses different mixers. In particular, we will have to use the first of the RX chain. The following image shows the block diagram of the radio.

Below is a portion of the reception chain and the list of the various IF signals: we are interested in the first one so as to have sufficient bandwidth for the panadapter. We will tune our SDR receiver to 73.095 MHz.

We now proceed to identify the exact points on the circuit diagram where to take the IF signal to be sent to the IFace. The following images show the sampling point for the IF signal and for the power supply for the buffer interface.

The images here below show where the signals are located on the RF Unit PCB. Please take care that the signals are located on the top and on the bottom layer.

In order to buy an IFace please use the buttons below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information, do not hesitate to write to us using the form below.
Have fun!

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IC-9100 with SDR panadapter

Our buffer interface named IFace can be used to add an SDR panadapter to the Icom IC-9100 transceiver.

The operations to be performed are very simple, it is sufficient to obtain from its wiring diagram the information on the points where to take the IF signals. This radio, in fact, uses different mixers depending on the selected band. In particular, we will have one for HF and 50 MHz, one for VHF and one for UHF (plus a fourth for the optional 1.2 GHz band). The following image shows the block diagram of the radio.

Below is a portion of the HF / 50 MHz reception chain and the list of the various intermediate frequencies: we are interested in the first one so as to have sufficient bandwidth for the panadapter. In HF/50 MHz we will tune our SDR receiver to 64.455 MHz, while in VHF to 10.850 MHz while in UHF to 71.250 MHz.

We now proceed to identify the exact points on the circuit diagram where to take the IF signal to be sent to the IFace. The following images show the sampling points of the signal for the HF and 50 MHz bands and of the power supply for the buffer interface.

Now let’s analyze the circuit diagram for VHF and UHF. It is easy to identify the two mixers and the relative points where to connect the IFace input.

The sampling points for the IF signal for the VHF and UHF bands are shown below. It is therefore clear that this radio requires 3 IFace buffer interfaces in order to cover all the available bands.

In order to purchase an IFace please use the buttons below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information, do not hesitate to write to us using the form below.
Have fun!

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FT-818 with SDR panadapter

A loyal friend and customer of ours sent us photos of the installation of our universal IFace interface inside his Yaesu FT-818.

If you wonder what an SDR panadapter can do for your station, watch this video.

This radio is practically the same as the FT-817, so the installation of the interface is identical for both radios. Now that little gem is equipped with an SDR panadapter which makes it an exceptional adventure companion.

Click here to access the installation instructions on this and other radios.

In order to buy an IFace, please use one of the following buttons.

ATTENTION: Although the installation of IFace 2 is not difficult, it is done at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side effects or anything else.

For more information use the form below.

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HDSDR settings for SDR panadapter and CAT control

Our IFace interface is used to add an SDR panadapter to any radio, present or future. The image below shows the typical application context where the IF signal of our receiver is sent to an external SDR receiver (in the specific case one from SDRplay).

The configuration we are going to examine is, therefore, the following.

We sample the signal after the first IF mixer but before the bandpass filter, the so-called “roofing filter”, and we send it to our IFace. This is nothing more than a broadband buffer that allows you to replicate the signal without overloading the mixer circuits. At the output of the card, the signal can be sent to an external receiver, typically an SDR, through a common 50 Ohm line.

At this point, there is nothing left to do but install the drivers for our A / D converter for RF signals and the demodulation software. In the specific case, we will use an RSP1 from SDRplay and the HDSDR program. In addition, through the CAT port, we can control our radio so as to have a perfect match of what we see on the screen with what we are receiving from the radio. The CAT interface is managed through the OmniRig software.

The main advantage is that of having a second receiver much more powerful than the internal one of the radio.

The following images show how the HDSDR program should be configured.

The result is also shown in a video where you can appreciate the reception quality and ease of radio control.

For any questions, use the form below.

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