To install the IFace card inside the CODAN 9360 follow the steps below.

The CODAN 9360, like other radios, has a decidedly complex configuration and uses different intermediate frequencies. We are interested in having a “wide band” signal, so it will have to be picked up before the main band pass filter. The sequence of operations to be performed to obtain a bandwidth sufficient to realize a panoramic receiver around the chosen IF frequency (45 MHz) is shown below. The path of the TX and RX signals is partly separate, so the PTT command to disable IFace during transmission will be necessary. The following images show the point where the IF signal will be taken.

Now we need to locate the points where to connect the electric cables to the IFace: refer to the following image.

If you are convinced of the goodness of the proposal, buy an IFace using the button below.

WARNING: Although the installation of IFace is not difficult, it is done at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side effects or anything else.
For more information, don’t hesitate to write to us.
Have fun!